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A deep respect, passion and admiration for the natural world began for Isaac Martinez as a child. Isaac is a  fifth generation native to the small town of Canjilon, New Mexico. Born in 1993 and as soon as he was able to walk, you could find him hauling rocks and sticks in his wagon through the woods near his house, his time consumed in nature. For as long as he can remember there was never a question that Isaac's calling was to be of service to the natural world. Yet he would later find out it would be through a paintbrush and on an easel.  As he got older, his same love for the outdoors grew as he continued to spend all his free time at his favorite place, the mountains, watching wildlife, studying animals, trees, rocks, landscapes and learning first hand from nature's bible in every way he could. While Isaac was not in the mountains, his time would be immersed in drawing his favorite places and ideas. Letting his mind create the vision of the perfect picture, of a scenario that happened some time down the line of his studies. Dreaming of riding his horse through God's country and watching that world class mule deer or bull elk or witnessing a mature tom mountain lion as he hunts some mule deer bucks. At school Isaac would draw antlers and wildlife all throughout the day and later would get home and after coming in from outside stay up drawing. Usually until 1 to 3 in the morning until his parents would tell him to go to bed for school the next day.
























After high school Isaac joined the Marine Corps where he served four years. During that time Isaac transitioned from mostly pen and ink art to begin his journey in color, starting his acrylic and oil paintings. After his time in the service Isaac continued to pursue his artwork. Isaac continues to share a deep passion for wildlife and landscapes and continues to grow in depicting and sharing the ever more threatened natural world with those around him.


Isaac Martinez's artwork has been collected internationally and is known for his detailed wildlife and landscapes. The magnitude of the natural world is what draws Isaac to portray the dramatic landscapes that he continues to paint. The emphasis of detail that Isaac tries to depict in his landscapes can be very stressing to complete but also very humbling at the same time once you try to understand the pristine vivacity of the natural world to the degree that Isaac has. To experience for an ever changing moment in time, the tranquil immortal forbearance, which is the true art in and of itself. The art sculpted, forged and mastered which is the natural world, something so uniquely  paradisaical only God could have created it.


 Isaac, as long as with a wide variety of sportsmen and conservationist's has been in awe of the singularity and uniqueness of natures bible, especially in the creation of antlers and horns in wild game. Like it has been said with trees, rocks, grass and flowers, each one Gods creations and no two ever the same. It is with antler or horn growth that we have been in admiration since mankind's life with the natural world. That the amazement of certain animals can surpass what is known as the normality of its regular cycle of growth.


" After witnessing first hand the unique beauty and unparalleled  singularity of mother nature, you are left with no choice but to accept that only a spiritual being like God could have created something so majestic "


Today through the conservation efforts of the countless works of unwavering men and women like Theodore Roosevelt, we have the epitome of knowledge for the conservation of the natural world and wildlife. It is also during a time when the natural world has never been more threatened. Through our shared efforts we continue to invest in the health of our environments that many generations  may get to not only grow up in, but thrive in. It has been revealed that the health of an ecosystem's population has been measured through the production of mature male animals of its species, as well as the health of its predators. There are certain occasions where proper nutrition, habitat, and genetics produce an animal that transcends what is known as the average. Legendary animals like the Mundy buck, Burris buck, Spider bull, bighorn sheep from Wild Horse Island and Ed Stockwell coues deer just to name a few. Isaac tries to take his audience back to a time where a super buck, bull or group of rams may have roamed the hills, mountains or mesas of God's country as they have for thousands of years. To let your imagination drift back to a time as Charles M Russel would have said" When the land belonged to God".


In 2017 Isaac Martinez began an apprenticeship with world renowned wildlife artist and conservationist Jan Martin McGuire where he learned invaluable knowledge that cut his learning curve by decades. Isaac a lifelong learner continues searching and learning from mentors in any way he can to become more well rounded in his pursuit of capturing and sharing the natural world.


Isaac is adamantly proud of his continued efforts to use his talents to raise money for many conservation efforts on preserving the natural world and the people and lifestyles of those that live off the land throughout his communities, state and country. Isaac has raised thousands of dollars for organizations such as Mule Deer Foundation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Wild Sheep Foundation, Dallas Safari Club New Mexico Chapter, many local churches, 4-H organizations and local community organizations. Isaac admits that the investment on conservation through his artwork is most rewarding for him. Giving back to the same things that give him the most joy is what makes it all worth it.


Most of Isaac's time is invested continuing on kaizening on his artwork. He does his best to take advantage of every opportunity to go in the field, hiking or on horseback to learn invaluable life knowledge from natures bible.



Isaac at six years old snowmobiling with his family near where he grew up in Canjilon, New Mexico.

Isaac an avid hunter with his first coues deer harvested in 2018

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"In a civilized and cultivated country wild animals and their habitat only continue to exist at all when preserved by genuine sportsmen and conservation" -Theodore Roosevelt

© 2023  Copyright Isaac Martinez Art . All Rights Reserved. 

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